CimPal is a family open source Java applications published by gridDigIt and licensed under the EUPL-1.2-or-later. It helps CIM implementation by providing tools which facilitate the work related to SHACL constraints and identification of changes between different versions of CIM profiles.
The application is based on Apache Jena (Apache License v2.0), TopBraid SHACL API (Apache License v2.0), and JAVAFX (GPLv2+CE license).
There two main apps: CimPal and CimPal CGMES Converter.
Currently CimPal has the following features are either supported or under development:
- Convert from RDFS to SHACL
- Export SHACL constraints (not full scope) from an excel template
- Perform RDFS comparison
- Export RDFS descriptions and cardinalities in Excel
- Generate datatypes mapping
- Generate inheritance structure from RDFS
- RDF convert – conversion between different RDF serializations such as RDFXML, TURTLE and JSON-LD (Note advanced JSON-LD is under development)
- SHACL Shapes browser and comparison is under development
- Convert CGMES v2.4 boundary set to CGMES v3.0 and have options to split it per border. Split of reference data is also supported
The first version of CimPal CGMES Converter has limited finctionalities and supports the following basic features:
- Convert CGMES v2.4 to CGMES v3.0 (IEC 61970-600-1:2021 and IEC 61970-600-2:2021)
- Only Equipment (EQ), Steady State Hypothesis (SSH), Topology (TP) and State Variables (SV) profiles are supported
- DC part of the model is not fully supported
Improvements are expected and gridDigIt will be glad to support further development based on requirements and requested support. Please address any requests either via the support email or in GitHub.
SHACL Shapes produced by CimPal can be executed using ValiMate.
CimPal is available in GitHub here. CimPal CGMES Converter is also available in GitHub here.
Support email:
Copyright 2020, gridDigIt Kft. All rights reserved.
Want to know more about the app?
Contact us and we’ll be in touch within 1-2 business days.